In My Three Shrinks Podcast #63 (recorded last Sunday, to be out as soon as Clinkshrink completes it), we talked about reviewed iTunes apps helpful for screening for or tracking depression. I will provide a bit more focus on this topic here.
I recently wrote an article for Clinical Psychiatry News referring to the iPad as the new physician's "black bag." One of those tools might be a depression tracking app, to be used by patients or by providers responsible for treating patients. So, I went to the App Store (sorry Android users, I don't have one of those gizmos yet) and searched for the keyword "depression" and narrowed it down by filtering for apps which met the following criteria: Medical category; a rating of at least 3 stars; and at least 100 ratings.
Five apps came up:
3D brain

- 9600 ratings
- not a rating tool but a nice 3D map of the brain
- interactive features

- 800 ratings
- uses a Zung depression rating scale

- 700 ratings
- uses a 27-item validated screen for depression, bipolar, PTSD, and anxiety
- displays graph of scores over time
- ability to send to your doctor
- also has a physician dashboard for reviewing trend of scores for all your patients
Moody Me

- 600 ratings
- an emoticon-based mood diary
- displays a graph of your scores over time
Health through Breathing: Pranayama
If you have used any of these, please tell us about your experience. If you have others you like, let us know.
*Disclosure: I have consulted for and collaborate with M3, the makers of DepressionCheck.
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