These are the topics we talk about:
The Bystander Effect and why people don't call for help when they see violent crimes. While we don't talk about the events at Penn State, this was the inspiration for this topic.
From this we go on to talk about legislation that has been proposed to make it a crime for health care workers (including shrinks) to not report child abuse. As is, there are mandatory reporting laws and licensing implications for those who do not report instances of child abuse.
Finally, we move on to happier techy stuff and discuss Depression Rating Apps.
Roy reviewed iTunes apps with the keyword "depression" which met the following criteria: Medical category; a rating of at least 3 stars, and at least 100 ratings. Five apps came up:
- 3D brain (9600 ratings: not a rating tool but a nice 3D map of the brain)
- Sad Scale Lite (800 ratings: uses a Zung depression rating scale)
- DepressionCheck (700 ratings: uses a 27-item validated screen for depression, bipolar, PTSD, and anxiety)
- Moody Me (600 ratings: an emoticon-based mood diary)
- Health through Breathing: Pranayama (300 ratings: not a rating tool, but a highly-rated meditation tool)
[Disclosure: Roy has consulted for M3, the makers of DepressionCheck.]
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