Mental health history is not as clear as the history of medical science. Mental problem is not primarily a physical problem that can be easily observed and visible. Even more so when it is used to the everyday behavior such as relatives or family, mental disorder has been regarded as a matter of course, not as a thing that is annoying.
Mental disorders in Indonesia still lacks focus and attention. Moreover with a low education level, the people of Indonesia is still considered a mental disorder is often associated with mysticism. Here is a history of mental health, especially in the Americas and Europe.
• In 1600 and previous
At this time, people often think mental disorders caused by the spirits near environment, and often the mediation between humans and the spirits who want to convey meaning. Therefore, they are often considered to be sick so they were not removed and still have a place in society.
• Year 1692
In America, the influence of European immigrants, who are Christians, often regarded as affected by magic or witchcraft of the evil that enters the body. Thus the fear and hate those who have magical powers. John Locke (in Siswanto, 1997) states that there are degrees of madness in people caused by the emotions that compel people to come up with any ideas and no sense a continual basis. John Locke's view is survived in Europe until the 18th century.
• Year 1724
Reverend Cotton Mather (1663-1728) broke the superstitions that exist in society by advancing physical explanations of mental illness itself. At this time, the medical approach was introduced to provide an explanation of psychiatric problems as a result of the disturbance in the body.
• Year 1812
Years 1830-1860 in the UK appear optimism in dealing with mentally ill patients due to the development of theories and techniques in dealing with mentally ill people. Psychiatrists began to emerge in 1842 and got an important role in the hospital to replace the role that lawyers play a role dealing with mentally ill at the time. However, because many have failed, it appears the pessimism therapy (therapeutic pesimism) and influenced by Darwin's statement that states that mental disorder is a developmental evolution that is innate and can not be changed anymore.
• Year 1843
There are only 24 hospitals and 2561 beds to deal with mental illness in the United States.
• In 1908
In this year, applied to the attitude of the association with the aim of which is to improve public attitudes towards mental illness and people with mental illness, improve services for people with mental illness, working for the prevention of mental illness and promote mental health.
• In 1909
Sigmund Freud visited the United States and taught psychoanalysis at Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts.
• In 1910
Emil Kraeplin first described Alzheimer's disease and she also developed a test that can be used to detect the presence of epileptic disorders.
• In 1918
American Psychoanalysis Association made a rule that people who have graduated from medical school and practiced psychiatry that can be candidates for psychoanalytic training.
• In the 1920s
National Committee for Mental Hygiene generate a set of models of commitment laws that put in atura in some States. The committee also helped research the effect on mental health, mental illness, and treatments that bring about real change in mental health care system.
• In the 1930's
Psychiatrists began to inject insulin that causes shock and temporary coma as a treatments for patients with schizophrenia.
• In 1936
Moniz gnats publish a report on the first human frontal labotomi. Consequently in 1936 until the mid-1950s, an estimated 20,000 surgical procedures in use in American mental patients.
• In the 1940s
Electrotherapy, namely by applying electrical therapy to the brain. Was first used in American hospitals to deal with mental illness. In 1940-1950 the commencement of community care for people with mental disorders in Britain.
• In 1947
Fountain House in New York City launch of psychiatric rehabilitation of people suffering from mental illness.
• In 1950
Formed the National Association of Mental Health (NAMH) which is a merger of three organizations, namely the National Committee for Mental Hygiene, the National Mental Health Foundation, and the Psychiatric Foundation.
• In 1952
The first conventional antipsychotic drugs, ie chlorpromazine, allowed for patients to deal with schizophrenia and other major mental disorders.
• In the 1960s
British media began to reveal mental health by showing the people who have experienced mental illness to share their experiences. At this time all the taboos associated with mental disorders began to be opened and discussed in general.
• In 1961
Thomas Szasz makes writing the book The Myth of Mental Illness, which put forward the theory that states that "mental illness" is actually not really "sick", but an act of people who are mentally distressed at having to react to the environment.
• In 1962
There are 422 000 people living in the hospital for psychiatric treatment in the United States.
• Year 1970
Deinstitusional start of mass. Patients and their families back on their own resources as a result of the lack of programs for patients who have been discharged from the hospital for rehabilitation and reintegration back into society.
• In 1979
NAMH became the National Mental Health Association (NMHA).
• In 1980
The emergence of a planned treatment, with hospitalization in the short term and the public become standard treatments for mental illness treatment.
• In 1990
NMHA played an important role in eliciting Disabilities Act, which protects Americans who are mentally and physically disabled from discrimination in several areas, such as employment, public accommodations, transportation, telecommunications, and central and local government services. Meanwhile, brain describe the technology used to study the development of a major mental illness better.
• In 1994
Bpertama atypical antipsychotic drugs were introduced. This is the first new antipsychotic drugs after nearly 20 years the use of conventional medicines.
• In 1997
Researchers find genetic link to bipolar disorder who showed that the disease is inherited.
Siswanto. , 2007. mental health, Yogyakarta: Yogyakarta andi,
Sarwono, Sarlito. 2010.pengantar general psychology, Jakarta: eagle release