Saturday, 12 November 2011

Do Not Ignore Symptoms of Mental Disorders as Depression and Anxiety

by Chani Prem T

Do Not Ignore Symptoms of Mental Disorders as Depression and Anxiety
Mental disorders such as depression and anxiety incidents are becoming widespread, with hectic and stressful life styles as well as the competitive, individualistic social trends. Many mental disorders such as depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and obsessive compulsive disorder etc. are seen more often in developed countries such as the United States. An estimated 18.8 million adults and 9% of the population aged 18 and over suffer from depression and anxiety. The majority of these are women. It is common to diagnose an individual being depressed as well as to suffer from anxiety as these two conditions have an interactive relationship. Depression and anxiety disorders can affect all people regardless of race, ethnic background, age and geographic location. However, old age and adolescence can be critical age groups that are susceptible to social anxiety. Majority tend to ignore mental disorders and also tend to discontinue their medications half way, mainly due to high costs involved. Purchaseing via online Canada pharmacies can save up to 80% of conventional pharmacy retail rates.
Depression Overview
Depression is a mental illness which causes the individual suffering from it to feel sad, discouraged, unloved and disinterested in life. A depressed person should never be ignored as lack of psychological support and medical intervention can push them further in to the depths of depression which can induce them to commit suicide. Depression falls in to major depression, dysthymia and bipolar disorder. Major depression could be the result of an end of a relationship, a death of a loved one or any other life altering event. Dysthymia is not as severe as major depression although the same symptoms may be apparent. People with Dysthymia could be considered as pessimists who never see the positive side of life. Bipolar disorder or manic depression causes severe mood swings. A person with bipolar disorder can go from being totally depressed one day to totally manic the next, hence the name. During a particular spell a person would do impulsive things from quitting his job to spending vast amounts of money. Similarly, when depression hits the same person could be full of self loathing and might even try to end his life.
Anxiety Overview
Anxiety is a feeling of fear and worry about everyday things which are no cause for worry. People who suffer from this disorder are most likely to worry about every minute detail which can hamper their day to day existence. A person with anxiety will worry excessively. He or she will suffer from headaches, will find it difficult to breathe during certain bouts of worry, will suffer from insomnia etc. There is no exact cause of anxiety. However, some researchers believe that genetics plays an important role in it. It is also very strongly believed that environmental factors as well as brain chemistry contribute to the onset of anxiety as well.
Treating Depression and Anxiety
People who suffer from a mental disorder should be treated immediately and medical treatment should be combined with counselling to ensure better recovery. Depression is treated through proper dosage of antidepressant drugs. Drugs such as Lithium, Epitol and Lamictal are prescribed for depression. Drugs such as Ativan, Valium, Prozac and Wellbutrin are prescribed for anxiety. Most anxiety medications are able to calm an individual down in order for him or her to function normally. However, they do take up to two weeks to take effect. Sudden discontinuation of drugs can lead to critical conditions and is thoroughly discouraged. Millions of people worldwide are now able to purchase prescription drugs geared to treat mental disorders, at affordable prices from Big Mountain which are delivered to their door , step.

About the Author

Author Chani Muditha Thbuwana contributes articles related to drugs and illnesses courtesy of BigMountainDrugs.Com. You can buy various drugs such as Fluoxetine 10 mg from our online pharmacy, saving money and travel time to pharmacies. You can buy medications for treatment of any type of mental disorders from Canadian pharmacy with total quality assurance and privacy. For information on health related issues, visit out Big Mountain Drugs blog pages

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