Thursday, 17 May 2012

Women and Gender

Women are subject and object. There are opinions that say that women were actually in the "master" it. This means that he is respected. Likewise it is still not reducing the weight of himself as an object. It could even be said to attempt an explanation, as mentioned above arises when the object dimensions are so prominent.

Women's issues are also gender issues. Understanding of Gender in essence is a concentrated understanding of the nuances of the West (Western invention-Connell, 1993). Gender as a concept rests on the biological aspects (biological reductionism). Cucchiari (1994) says that in her Gender has two biological categories different but complementary categories: first male and the second is the category of women. Each category contains a sense of meaning varies from one society to another. Every activity, attitudes, values ​​and symbols are given meaning by the supporters according to their biological category. Therefore, the actual status and role of women in every place and culture is not always the same. In Bali, women actively make highways or transport sand from the river, the strange thing is done by women in Java or Sumatra. In Africa, is a commonplace that women participate in farming and logging, while elsewhere it is probably in tabukan.

Gender in the West feel concentrations as expressed by Connell (1993) said, rests on the West civilisasi through the Industrial Revolution. Industrial phase, and then worldwide, is the phase of the hegemony of men. In the period of the Industrial Revolution, the most important element is the matter of division of labor based on gender differences. This is where the emerging injustices against women. Women, like dikemukakn by Simone de Beavoir, described as "nature" is characterized by things-static passive, permissive, domestic and gentle. Men, on the contrary, is characterized as a battering ram, active, and strong public control. In the phase of the Industrial Revolution in which the shape of physical strength is the determining factor, it is practically excluded women from production processes. Way of looking at the division of labor based on gender differences between the simple and it is contrary to the industrial community. If the community is simply the difference in nature to co-exist and complement, and full of harmony, then vice versa in the industry was used to abolish the distinction and demeaning the dignity of women in an effort to elevate the status of men.

Patriarchal culture (where the position of the dominant male) is in line with the Industrial Revolution is the main pillar of Western civilization. Indonesia, not the exception especially since he also had the experience of the colony of Western colonialism for approximately 350 years old. Numerous studies show how women experience marginalization of the agricultural sector in the event of "green revolution" in the mid 70's and early 80's.

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