Once we understand the importance of mental health, then we can see around us especially in our immediate neighborhood as a family. Whether in our family there are signs or symptoms of this mental health disorder. Mental health condition at this point tend to have a concern, as data released in solo.com (12/11), it looks at the increasing number of negative behaviors such as fighting, drug abuse, promiscuity, suicide, religious radicalism, and the like. That's why all parties are expected to increase the awareness for the fight with the build quality and mental health of the nation. "Data in 2007, 11.6% or about 19 million children and adolescents Indonesia impaired mental and social health. It makes them easily swept away and easy activities that are involved in negative activities. So let us together try to make efforts to promote mental health from an early age, starting either from family, government, educators and all interested parties.
Starting from an early age, then what should we do since from now on our children at home, school and neighborhood? Beginning of the foundation of a good awakening of a nation is of the family. It is inevitable role of the family here is very important. With care and good reception from the family of his son would reduce the potential for the formation of aberrant behavior in children. Good parenting will shape the child's emotional development degan good. The newly born child as white papers, was dropped as it would then that is what will shape the personality and build children's mental health.
Why in this paper the authors want to convey that the toys could threaten the health of children. The most effective teaching methods for children at preschool age children to play while learning, and the activities that one used yag is a toy. Toys for children at the age of 0-6 years are most commonly used tools and activities to accompany the child in learning or play well wherever he is. Even after that age is still a lot of toys that children used to accompany all its activities to hobbinya. Part of patterns of parenting in child pick out or facilitating the child's toy that will be used is one element that contributed to building a child's mental health.
Toys are having a devastating effect on children can be started from the ignorance of children with the function of the toy. Parents have an obligation to facilitate a child with a toy that could increase the potential of children and give children the opportunity to explore the game. If a game does not make a child can enhance creativity and potential of children and having a devastating effect on his personality then the parents are obliged to steer. It is conceivable that children really like toys that are too trigger aggressiveness of children? Such as toys that can increase the aggressiveness of the child and interfere with the child's emotional development: a pistol, a sword that looks almost like the original size, parents may introduce various forms and uses of various objects around him but can with a picture, or shape of objects is quite safe for children and not harm the child's emotional development and personality in general.
Children who already have aggressive potential in him, if parents are not sensitive in nurturing and providing support to developing toys that aggressiveness is likely the child will grow up because there are no mental health problems. Vice versa if children with high levels of sensitivity with a game that is not appropriate then the kids grow into a vulnerable adult at the time of her transplant. So it's good for parents mom and dad have to recognize the personality of the child in advance so that it can provide the right toys for child development. Parents should be wise in choosing a toy, not only if the child is quiet / do not cry then give all the parents what the child asks.
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