Sunday, 6 November 2011

Bathroom Remodeler Or Mental Health Facilitator?

Bathroom Remodeler Or Mental Health Facilitator?  
In most recent surveys, bathroom remodeling is at the top of everybody's home improvement list. It definitely makes sense taking into consideration how much of our time we spend daily in the bathroom.
Think about it! The first thing you do when you open your eyes in the morning is head directly to the bathroom. There is not a person alive who wants their first sights of a new day to be that of a dark lifeless enlarged closet.
Studies have proven that visual stimulation is one of the main motivational platforms that urge the body into action. Not many urges are going to be felt when you wake up every morning and walk into the same bland white bathroom containing your basic toilet fixtures.
With that being said, here is an interesting story. A woman in the southern states was referred to mental health services because it was suggested she had an Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).
This poor woman would continuously clean and disinfect her bathroom throughout the day. She was a lawyer by trade with a very beautiful home, but for some reason she could not restrain herself. What was the cause of such a sudden need for bathroom cleanliness?
After a few sessions with a therapist, the suggestion was made that her bathroom should have a renovation done. The lawyer and her family were willing to try anything to help with the increasingly irritating problem.
Over the next few weeks the bathroom was transformed into a beautiful room of tranquility. Everybody released a sigh of relief as they would watch the young lawyer enter and exit the bathroom as if she didn't have a care in the world.
So does that make remodeling kind of like a mental remodeling for the mind as well? This isn't the only case study that has reported improvement or even complete recovery from sufferers of OCD after a renovation has been completed in their home.
This gives a lot of support to the visual stimulation theory. People that can start their day in a nice peaceful atmosphere are far more likely to stay motivated throughout their day.
It all comes down to the basic principle of "you get out of it what you put into it". Investing in a renovation project doesn't just improve your home; it improves your overall mentality about your home as well.
The hectic life that most people live in the New Millennium doesn't allow much time for peace and relaxation that it did 50 years ago. It is up to ourselves to find the small ways that we can better our lives everyday.
A simple remodel is an easy way to add some new life into your home and a little new life into yourself as well.
Investing the time and money in a complete home renovation might be just what the doctor ordered as well for some of the millions of homeowners out there. Surrounding yourself with beauty all around you helps your mind to notice that things aren't as bad as you think they might be.
Home remodeling for the soul.....Now there's an interesting concept!

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