Tuesday, 1 November 2011
Cure the Simple Illness with Natural Health
Cure the Simple Illness with Natural Health
Taking over the counter medication isn't the only way to feel better when you catch a cold. You can often prevent your illness altogether with a few preventative measures. Of course, once in a while those pesky germs sneak through and before you know it, you feel like you could be starring in your own decongestant commercial. It is not a good idea to take a bunch of over the counter medication in the hopes of simply sleeping through your cold or flu. Sure it's tempting but there are better ways to help yourself feel better and to get over your flu. Nature is full of material that you can use to combat your symptoms and to fight against your cold or flu. You can find natural health hints by reading further.
Peppers can help in more ways than one. If you want to infuse your diet with vitamin C an easy way to do that is to eat some bell peppers with each meal. Using cayenne pepper in your cooking is another great way to boost your health (and clear out your sinus passages). Cayenne pepper in tea or in other foods can help you breathe and can cause you to sweat which will help bring down a fever. A good way to help your body start the healing process is to eat some cayenne pepper, which will heat up your body and make it sweat, which is how the germs and toxins in your system are released. People have used ginger as a cure for the cold or flu for years. Thankfully ginger is something that most people have on hand-either in their spice cabinets or in some of the hot tea varieties that might be hanging out in the kitchen. If you're suffering from a cold or the flu adding some ginger to your food and drinks is a good idea. The antiviral compounds will go to work knocking the cold out of your system and helping you heal. By adding ginger to your diet on a regular basis you can build a super strong immune system that will help defend against germs that try to make you sick.
You have no doubt heard about the way that Echinacea can boost your immune system. Echinacea works by attacking a cold when it is still in its early stages which is why you need to take some as soon as you begin to feel cold or flu symptoms. Some people insist that, when taken early on, Echinacea can stop a cold or the flu in its tracks. Even if your cold is already going full force, taking an Echinacea supplement can offer you some relief from your symptoms and speed up the healing process. In order to cure your cold you will need to take about 1200 mgs of Echinacea a day. By taking 400 mgs thrice daily you'll get the recommended dosage but don't take all 1200 mgs at once or you could make yourself worse. There are plenty of herbal and other natural health solutions to choose from when you aren't feeling well. There is no reason to shove a bunch of chemicals into your system if you don't have to! Natural health is a great option for those who can take advantage of it, but it is important to listen to any directions that your doctor has given you.
How Natural Health Can Help You Feel Better
Most of us already understand that fighting a cold or flu is best done by drinking lots of fluids and getting plenty of rest. Make sure you get enough Vitamin C to keep your immune system boosted. Having the knowledge is easy but remembering it when you get sick and you just want relief is hard. This is one of the reasons that so many people choose drugs over natural remedies. Offering fast relief is why medications are so popular. The medications only damper your symptoms they do not cure them and you could cause your cold to stick around for a longer period of time! Instead of simply letting your symptoms linger in favor of giving you a few minutes of easy breathing, natural health cures help you breathe and kick that flu to the curb.
Did you know that onions are health boosters? A popular cold and flu remedy is syrup made from onions and honey. Dredge some onion slices in a bowl filled with honey and let them sit. You need to take time to mix both ingredients together and then let it sit still through the night. Take a spoonful of the mixture every few hours for the next few days and you should see your cold clear up pretty quickly. You can also just add some onions to your food-they go well with just about everything! Ginger has been used for centuries to combat the common cold. Ginger is really easy to come by-it is used in almost every kitchen in the world and many people swear by ginger tea when they have a cold or the flu. Adding some ginger to your food is a good idea when you start to feel sick is a great way to help fight off the germs. The healing properties of the ginger will start helping you get over your cold or flu. Regularly eating ginger foods or drinking ginger tea can help you strengthen your immune system which can help you keep from getting sick at all.
You have no doubt heard about the way that Echinacea can boost your immune system. The trick to making sure that Echinacea does its job is to keep some on hand and take it as soon as you start to feel a cold set in. There are some who believe that you can fully ward off the flu or a cold if you take Echinacea when you are supposed to. Echinacea can even help you when you're already well into your cold by making your symptoms weaker and speeding up your healing process. About 1200 mgs per day while you're sick is enough to help you get better. By taking 400 mgs thrice daily you'll get the recommended dosage but don't take all 1200 mgs at once or you could make yourself worse.
Beefing up your immune system regularly is the best natural health remedy because it will help keep you from getting sick in the first place. Using natural health methods to treat your colds and flues helps to strengthen your immune system, kill your current cold or flu and to keep new colds and flues from attacking you. Use some common sense and, instead of taking a lot of drugs, use natural methods to treat your cold or flu.
by Viktor
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