Wednesday, 30 November 2011

25 Steps to get rid of a Mental Blocks

mental blocks25 Steps to get rid of a Mental Block 

The following article is truly a handout of the many ways that to get rid of mental blocks and fears.
These ways that may be applied in could things significantly in sports like gymnastics, tumbling, cheerleading and baseball. they will even be utilized in alternative things like public speaking, teaching, writing, and traditional everyday tasks that you just have hassle doing. These concepts can assist you overcome you fears and mental block and begin you on the trail to excellence.

  25 worry Breakers

(Metal Block Removers)
  1.  Simply do it – Darn Nike
  2.  Baby steps – What regarding Bob?
  3. Assume positive-the additional you expect from a scenario
  4. Don’t assume – Easier Said than Done 
  5. If auditory learner count for them
  6. Observe makes permanent – not excellent
  7. New place to observe - amendment of scenery
  8. Observe your worry – Open up you can’t solve one thing you if you don’t understand what it's
  9. Faux to be some other person -
  10. Play games -
  11. Mentor somebody with a similar drawback
  12. Believe-and you may achieve
  13. Leave notes around everywhere-remind you of your goal and your reward
  14. Videotape-see what you are doing properly similarly as wrong
  15. Audiotape-Hear  how you act
  16. Recommend/Take privates - not everybody connects with one person
  17. Recuperating is additional vital than winning-a very vital purpose
  18. Have the one who idolize there-They typically give an enormous facilitate
  19. Take a break-we all would like somewhat downtime
  20. notice you’re not alone-there are others among us
  21. offer aspiring to what you desire-accountability
  22. Reward the tiny steps-provides need
  23. Relax - take a deep breath
  24. Visualization and mental rehearsal –
  25. Hypnosis

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

'Tis the Season

Stolen from the facebook page of another shrink:

What are Mental Health Problems?

By :
Mental health problems range from the worries we all experience as part of everyday life to serious long-term conditions. The majority of people who experience mental health problems can get over them or learn to live with them, especially if they get help early on.
Mental health problems are usually defined and classified to enable professionals to refer people for appropriate care and treatment. But some diagnoses are controversial and there is much concern in the mental health field that people are too often treated according to or described by their label. This can have a profound effect on their quality of life. Nevertheless, diagnoses remain the most usual way of dividing and classifying symptoms into groups.
Most mental health symptoms have traditionally been divided into groups called either ‘neurotic’ or ‘psychotic’ symptoms. ‘Neurotic’ covers those symptoms which can be regarded as severe forms of ‘normal’ emotional experiences such as depression, anxiety or panic. Conditions formerly referred to as ‘neuroses’ are now more frequently called ‘common mental health problems.’
Less common are ‘psychotic’ symptoms, which interfere with a person’s perception of reality, and may include hallucinations such as seeing, hearing, smelling or feeling things that no one else can.
Mental health problems affect the way you think, feel and behave. They are problems that can be diagnosed by a doctor, not personal weaknesses.
Mental health problems are very common. About a quarter of the population experience some kind of mental health problem in any one year.
Anxiety and depression are the most common problems, with around 1 in 10 people affected at any one time. Anxiety and depression can be severe and long-lasting and have a big impact on people’s ability to get on with life.
Between one and two in every 100 people experience a severe mental illness, such as bi-polar disorder or schizophrenia, and have periods when they lose touch with reality. People affected may hear voices, see things no one else sees, hold unusual or irrational beliefs, feel unrealistically powerful, or read particular meanings into everyday events.
Although certain symptoms are common in specific mental health problems, no two people behave in exactly the same way when they are unwell.
Many people who live with a mental health problem or are developing one try to keep their feelings hidden because they are afraid of other people’s reactions. And many people feel troubled without having a diagnosed, or diagnosable, mental health problem - although that doesn’t mean they aren’t struggling to cope with daily life.

Mental Disorder What are You Waiting for


Hurricane Katrina Survivors Lack Access to Mental Health Services


3 Simple Tips Of Health Solutions for


Monday, 28 November 2011

World Mental Health Day

10 October 2011
World Mental Health Day raises public awareness about mental health issues. The day promotes open discussion of mental disorders, and investments in prevention, promotion and treatment services. The treatment gap for mental, neurological and substance use disorders is formidable especially in poor resource countries.
This year the theme is "Investing in mental health". Financial and human resources allocated for mental health are inadequate especially in low resource countries. The majority of low- and middle-income countries spend less than 2% of their health budget on mental health.
Many countries have less than one mental health specialist per one million population. Even a considerable part of the limited resources is spent on large mental hospitals and not for services delivered through community and primary health care.
We need to increase investment for mental health and to shift the available resources towards more effective and more humanitarian forms of services.

WHO document

Sunday, 27 November 2011

Mental Health and the Holidays

As Christmas and New Year's draw nearer, several folks are bracing for changes to our routines that would shake anyone's mental health. Travel and jetlag, a chance from the rigid schedule of labor or college, meals at uncommon times, and also the distractions of family will all contribute to forgetting to require medication. several therapists and alternative mental health suppliers are out of reach whereas they relish their own celebrations (and hard-earned rest). vacation stress could worsen mental health conditions, and whereas vacation joy may be a wonderful factor, January are often a true let-down.

Here's the way to get through these busy days and long winter nights:

 ensure you are taking all of your medication as prescribed.
    Be ready for mental health emergencies and have an idea for the way to handle them, particularly whereas you are off from home or your regular treatment supplier is on vacation. If you are your own primary caregiver, carry a paper copy of your emergency set up and share it with a loved one or friend who are spending time with you.
    Get your prescriptions refilled with many time before you travel. you will would like an additional note from your doctor if you take heavy-duty meds and need an early refill, therefore begin the method currently. If you think that you would possibly have to be compelled to increase your dose or take further meds to urge through the vacations, now's an honest time to see your doctor that too.
    Use these sensible tips for traveling with prescription medication. you do not wish your life-saving pills lost, damaged, or confiscated!
    If travel, family, and parties are troublesome or tiring--as even the foremost loving and wonderful family will be--get through them with some vacation stress-busting tips which will facilitate keep you on an excellent keel. (Got your own tried-and-true techniques? Share them here.)

May your holidays be healthy and happy!

Mental Disorder What are You Waiting for

weekend depression and stress

The holiday season are often a time jam-packed with joy, cheer, parties and family gatherings. except for many of us, it's a time of self-evaluation, loneliness, reflection on past failures and anxiety regarding an unsure future.

What Causes vacation Blues?

Many factors will cause the “holiday blues”: stress, fatigue, unrealistic expectations, over-commercialization, monetary constraints, and also the inability to be with one’s family and friends. the strain of searching, parties, family reunions and house guests conjointly contribute to feelings of tension. individuals might also develop alternative stress responses like headaches, excessive drinking, over-eating and issue sleeping. Even additional individuals expertise post-holiday upset once January one. this could result from disappointments throughout the preceding months compounded by the surplus fatigue and stress.

Coping with Stress & Depression throughout the vacations

    Keep expectations for the vacation season manageable. try and set realistic goals for yourself. Pace yourself. Organize some time. create an inventory and prioritize the necessary activities.
    Be realistic regarding what you'll be able to and can't do. Don’t place the complete concentrate on only one day (i.e., Thanksgiving Day). bear in mind that it’s a season of vacation sentiment, and activities are often opened up to reduce stress and increase enjoyment.
 bear in mind the vacation season doesn't banish reasons for feeling unhappy or lonely; there's space for these feelings to be gift, though the person chooses to not specific them.
    Leave “yesteryear” within the past and appearance toward the long run. Life brings changes. every season is totally different and might be enjoyed in its own method. Don’t set yourself up in comparing nowadays with the “good ol’ days.”
    Do one thing for somebody else. attempt volunteering a number of some time to assist others.
 relish activities that are free, like taking a drive to seem at vacation decorations, going window spree or creating a snowperson with youngsters.
 bear in mind that excessive drinking can solely increase your feelings of depression.
 attempt one thing new. Celebrate the vacations in a very new method.
 pay time with supportive and caring individuals. Reach out and create new friends, or contact somebody you haven’t heard from in a very whereas.
    Save time for yourself! Recharge your batteries! Let others share within the responsibility of designing activities.

Can setting Be a Factor?

Studies show that some individuals suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD), which ends from being exposed to fewer hours of daylight because the days grow shorter throughout the winter months. Phototherapy, a treatment involving a number of hours of exposure to intense light-weight, is shown to be effective in relieving depressive symptoms in patients with unhappy.

Other studies on the advantages of phototherapy found that exposure to early morning daylight are often effective in relieving seasonal depression. Recent findings, however, recommend that patients respond equally well to phototherapy when it's scheduled within the early afternoon. This has sensible applications for antidepressant treatment as a result of it permits the utilization of phototherapy within the workplace yet because the home.

Mental Disorder What are You Waiting for

Saturday, 26 November 2011

Please Don't Tell

Earlier, we were talking about an ethical dilemma in The Very Badly Behaved Health Care Practitioner-- What should a therapist do if he's treating another therapist who confesses he's been having an affair with a patient?  Should the treating therapist report his patient to their respective licensing board?  Of course, the comments are the most interesting part of that post. 

It got me thinking about two things:  Doctor-Patient Confidentiality and What is a Patient? 

From the Encyclopedia of Everyday Law:
The Oath of Hippocrates, traditionally sworn to by newly licensed physicians, includes the promise that "Whatever, in connection with my professional service, or not in connection with it, I see or hear, in the life of men, which ought not to be spoken of abroad, I will not divulge, as reckoning that all such should be kept secret." The laws of Hippocrates further provide, "Those things which are sacred, are to be imparted only to sacred persons; and it is not lawful to impart them to the profane until they have been initiated into the mysteries of the science."

Doctor-patient confidentiality stems from the special relationship created when a prospective patient seeks the advice, care, and/or treatment of a physician. It is based upon the general principle that individuals seeking medical help or advice should not be hindered or inhibited by fear that their medical concerns or conditions will be disclosed to others. Patients entrust personal knowledge of themselves to their physicians, which creates an uneven relationship in that the vulnerability is one-sided. There is generally an expectation that physicians will hold that special knowledge in confidence and use it exclusively for the benefit of the patient.
Most psychiatrists I know (at least in Maryland) do not violate their patients' confidentiality unless 1) there is an issue of child abuse and this is because state law mandates it be reported, and 2) there is an imminent risk of danger to self or others.  There may be reasons other physicians break confidentiality, for example the mandated reporting of contagious diseases or driving issues with epilepsy, but these do not generally happen in psychiatry.  The thinking behind doctor-patient privilege is that no one would trust a physician if they worried their problems would be repeated.  When I am not sure what to do, I will ask a trusted colleague, but there are clearly times when what is in a patient's best interest is not what's in society's best interest (such as prescribing an expensive medication or ordering an expensive test or revealing information learned in treatment) and I generally feel that my job is to keep my patient's best interest in front of me.  It's hard to be everyone's agent.

For the most part, I don't endorse laws that mandate the reporting of past child abuse against the wishes of the patient (--not that anyone has ever asked me, but hey, it's my blog so you get my opinion) --at least not by psychiatrists as an after-the-fact event. In an Emergency Room with an injured child victim it's a different story and it's hard to imagine that it would ever be in the best interest of the patient to send them home to a violent setting.  For psychiatry, I believe that such laws prevent people with problematic behaviors from getting help, and they prevent victims of abuse from having therapy if they do not want  the scrutiny of the legal system or the turmoil that may bring if family members were involved. If a patient reports an active urge or plan to commit a violent crime,  taking action is generally in that patient's best interest as well as society's and violating confidentiality may be the clear right choice.   

In the vignette given in the Badly Behaved Behavior Health Care Practitioner, the situation asked whether a therapist should report a patient who is also a therapist who is having a sexual relationship with an adult patient.  There is no "law" about reporting such behaviors (at least not in our state), though some Licensing Boards  make statements that professionals are required to report colleagues who are impaired or incompetent.  Some of our commenters wrote in to say that the therapist should be reported-- that patient safety should come first.  My thought was that when a patient walks in the door for treatment, she is a patient and not a colleague and such licensing mandates do not pertain the way they would if the therapist in the next office knew illicit sexual activity was going on.  It seems to me that the spirit of such mandates is to get the licensee help, something she is already doing by seeking care, and that these mandates were probably not made in the spirit of trumping confidentiality with patients, but I could be wrong.  Reporting the therapist might help prevent future harm to patients, but in the big picture, it means that badly behaving psychotherapists can never get help in a confidential setting. 

  I suppose one way to get help for a misbehaving therapist to get help would be to seek care from a therapist in another specialty-- there is nothing in the Licensing Board mandates that suggests a licensee needs to report an incompetent member of another specialty or profession, so a social worker who is having an affair with a patient could perhaps seek treatment from a psychologist or a psychiatrist?    And the other thing I wondered about-- does reporting the therapist necessarily help the current victimized patient?  An adult patient, after all, is free to report her abusive therapist.  If she chooses not to, perhaps there is a reason-- perhaps it would blow apart her marriage, or perhaps the inquiry that comes with such events would leave the victim feeling even more victimized.  These aren't easy scenarios-- one can imagine all types of configurations-- the victim could deny the abuse/affair happened,  the victim could be thrilled to hear that a confession occurred which will help with the prosecution, or the victim could feel not at all like a victim, but like someone who chose to have a consensual relationship and does not want the attention of the therapist's disciplinary proceedings.  

These are really difficult situations.  I'm not sure what the rules are for psychologists or social workers, but for physicians the default requirement is for confidentiality and there needs to be a really good reason to violate it, and revealing a patient's secrets may leave the psychiatrist open to his own scrutiny, disciplinary action, and lawsuits.  We treat people even when they have behaviors or beliefs that are deplorable to us.  I hesitated, however, to write this, because I can think of scenarios where confidentiality in the doctor-patient relationship might warrant a breech, and I'm happy I've never been faced with one of these situations. 

Friday, 25 November 2011

Facebook effect

According to Larry D. Rosen, PhD, professor of psychology at California State University, Dominguez Hills, the effects of social media are becoming more and more visible. Some of their findings suggest that the more time spent on Facebook is related to a greater tendency toward narcissistic behaviors among teenagers. Also, it has been discovered that young adults that spend excessive amounts of time on Facebook show more signs of other psychological disorders, including antisocial behaviors, mania and aggressive tendencies.

Additionally, studies have revealed that excessive daily use of social media can negatively affect the health of children, preteens and teenagers alike as they are more prone to anxiety, depression and other psychological disorders as well as more susceptible to future general health problems. Furthermore, it is clear that school grades will suffer when spending too much time on Facebook as valuable study time is lost. “Studies found that middle school, high school and college students who checked Facebook at least once during a 15-minute study period achieved lower grades.” Besides, some studies suggest that so-called teenage “hyper-social networkers” are more likely to engage in risky behaviors, such as smoking, drinking, drug use, fighting and promiscuity. Consequently, Rosen claims that parents who secretly monitor their child’s social media usage are wasting their time. Instead he suggests that active, but overt, monitoring and open communication about appropriate usage is the key so that when questions or issues arise such as bullying, a child will feel comfortable communicating with their parents.

This active role could prevent serious consequences such as depression, anxiety or even suicide. It is also important for parents to stay abreast with online trends and the latest technologies, websites and applications. On the other hand, research has shown that, despite the numerous negative effects, Facebook can help young adults to express their virtual empathy and facilitate socialization among introverted teens. Also, “social networking can provide tools for teaching in compelling ways that engage young students.”

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Family Therapist and Mental Health Professionals

mental HealthFamily Therapist and Mental Health Professionals  
The emotional or cognitive well being of a person is what we call mental health. The environment or the community we live in have an enormous impact on how we think, feel, behave and react on every situation that we encounter. Whenever a certain individual enjoy life to its fullest and knew how to fight and cope up with every challenge, then he or she achieves a healthy emotional well being. Those people who knew their abilities, strengths and improve or enhance their weaknesses may become more productive in every thing that they do.

Utah mental health covers many concepts or fields of study. It includes developmental psychology, sociology, anthropology, education, religion and psychology. There are strategies and techniques that can be read and learned on some books and therapeutic systems if we want to improve the mental wellness of our patients, friends or even family members. We are faced with too many problems today that may lead to mental illness or disorder. Alcohol or drug addiction, depression, too much stress, and problems with our relationships are the most common reasons why we experience some mental illnesses. Utah therapy and Utah family therapists are always there to help us recover from such illness. They have plans and strategies that are sure to help every patient.

Mental illness or disorder can be caused by several factors. It may be caused by a tragic event or accident that took the life of a loved one, genetic predisposition, alcohol and drug addiction, long-term abuse from other people, or in some personal cases those that are battered wives also have strong tendencies to have mental illness or mental disorder. Mental illnesses such as Bipolar disorder, SAD (seasonal affective disorder), Major depression, Schizophrenia disorders, PSTD (Post-traumatic stress disorder) need a serious therapy from a doctor or a mental health professional.

If the mental illness, or disorder is not abruptly treated, the person who experiences the disorder might have greater risks and can cause more damage. Those who have this illness or disorder become sedentary, less social and unable to mingle with other people. They have tendencies of talking alone and the ability to be paranoid with anything that comes in to their minds. This is the stage wherein the family member must be supportive of the patient because they truly need help in this situation.

Almost every person experience some problem or depression in their lives. The only advantage of some is that they know how to cope up and seek help from other people to help them in such cases. A person capacity or ability to adapt to his environment is extremely crucial for one�s existence and mental well-being. Mental health professionals say that drug abuse, alcoholism, too much stress and marital problems can be a source of mental illness. It is vital for a person to seek immediate help from a Utah marriage counselor if a person has problems with their relationship because these could also lead to mental illness in the long run.

To treat a mental illness or disorder is not an easy task especially in grave cases. A doctor, Utah family therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, and other mental health specialist are the only health professionals that can deal with such a problem in an effective manner. Each of these professionals with the aid of a family member has a vital role in helping the person that has the problem. The plan and strategies created by a Utah therapy can be immensely helpful if we want to speed up the healing process.

Whatever plan or strategy it is, it must be effective and proven to regain the loss memory of the person who encountered mental disorder or illness. The treatment must be intensive, brief and solution focused based on the patient's need. Usually those who are experiencing mental disorders undergo several sessions for the treatment to be effective. For those simple illnesses like stress due to family problems, Utah therapy provides marriage counseling as the best choice. psychological illness.

Mental Disorders

Dealing with Mental Disorders  
A mental disorder or mental illness is a negative psychological or behavioral pattern of a person in response to normal situations of life prevailing for more than an acceptable period of time. From mild depression to severe mental behavior, a psychological problem can have devastating effects on lives of individuals suffering from it, their family and society. There are various kinds of psychological problems defined on the basis of standard guideline criteria. Few of them are discussed below:

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: Post traumatic stress disorder is a kind of stress disorderthat's triggered by witnessing a life threatening event and inability to behave normally after witnessing such event or situation. Symptoms of PTSD include flash back episodes of events, severe anxiety, severe depression and uncontrollable thoughts about events.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Treatment:

There are no specific tests for recognizing PTSD in a person. However, doctors or psychiatrists recognize it on the basis of symptoms. Post traumatic stress disorder treatment includes a combination of psychotherapy and medication. Several types of therapies may be used to treat PTSD such as group therapy, cognitivebehaviouraltherapy and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR).

Depression: Depression is a disturbed state of mind prevailing for longer than normal or acceptable period of time. It is a severe psychological condition in which person cannot stop feeling sad or hopeless. Such a person often expresses hopelessness, anxiety, negative thoughts, irritability and loss of pleasure and excitement in life. In severe conditions, such people also express suicidal tendencies and take their own lives to get rid of problems.

Depression Treatment

Depression treatment depends upon its severity and kind. There are various kinds of depression such as depresion, dysthymic disorder, non-specific depression, adjustment disorder with depression and bi-polar depression. It is essential to take help of professional psychiatrist to help people suffering from depression. Psychiatrists help people to come out of their state of depression through treatment combined of regular counselling, psychotherapies and antidepressants. The major focus of doctors is towards building self esteem in patients. Apart from doctor's treatment, love and support of friends and family is essential to help people suffering from depression.

Bipolar Disorder is a mental disorder in which person shows extreme mood swings in his or her behavior. Such condition is also known as manic depression. Person suffering from bipolar disorder shows serious shifts in moods, thinking, and behavior. Such extraordinary mood changes of bipolar disorder are so intense that they interfere with person's ability to carry out day-to-day tasks.

Bipolar Disorder Treatment

A patient suffering from bipolar disorder expresses mood swings in extraordinary ways. For instance, sometimes they feel so much depressed, that it becomes difficult for them to do anything at all while on other phases they may express hyper activeness. Diagnosing bipolar disorder is tricky even for trained professionals, thus it is advisable to treat it under guidance of trained psychiatrist instead of your family physicians. Bipolar disorder treatment involves complete treatment plan comprised of medicines, psychotherapy, counseling, education, lifestyle management and support.

Saturday, 19 November 2011

Mental Health Practitioners Need Malpractice Insurance Too

Mental health practitioners play an extremely important role in helping people overcome severe difficulties in their lives. All too often, the brain and mind are seen as somehow different to the rest of the body. While most people have no problem with the notion of seeing a doctor for an upset stomach, a great many people have objections to seeing a doctor for an upset mind. In any case, practitioners must protect themselves just like any other doctor. Mental health malpractice insurance is extremely important for their continued success. In this article, we will look at this issue more closely.
The Need for Malpractice Insurance Surgeons and doctors of all kinds need malpractice insurance. While it is extremely unfortunate that an error may occur, it is also impossible to eradicate any chance of a mistake arising. Sometimes it may be the surgeon's error that caused the problem. Sometimes it may simply be an unforeseen condition or idiosyncrasy in the operation. No matter what the cause, a suitable policy will help to protect the doctor against any legal ramifications that may arise. A court case is always very expensive and can be disastrous for someone's career.  

Mental Health Coverage
Mental health malpractice insurance covers mental health practitioners exclusively. Its purpose is to protect those who work with the mind, as opposed to those who work with the body. Both types of insurance are quite similar, however. The purpose is to prepare for a lawsuit or settlement that may arise from a patient feeling that the job was done incorrectly or insufficiently. While we all hope that these situations will never arise, it is important to be prepared for the worst possible eventuality.

Finding a Suitable Policy
It is important to have a suitable insurance policy if you are working in the mental health field. This can take some work, however. It is important to shop around and find a particular insurer who understands your needs and can provide all the protection necessary with no strings attached. Look for companies that have a good reputation and can be relied on to be there for you when you need to make a claim. Customer service is just as important as the policy itself.

Mental health practitioners have a important job to fulfill. You will need suitable protection, however, just like any other doctor. Mental health malpractice insurance covers you in case of an emergency and is a vital addition to any doctor's practice. Be sure to shop around for different companies and policies so that you can find the best deal possible. Pay attention to the manner and competence of those you speak to as well as the policy itself. Keep yourself suitably covered and you are likely to have a much less stressful and much more productive mental health practice.

Sunday, 13 November 2011

How To Restore Natural Health

Ill health is the accumulation of all the wrong things you have done to your health over the years. For someone who is very ill, it may seem difficult, almost impossible, to restore natural health and get well again.

To restore natural health, you need a vision of good health and wholeness. Repair and recovery from ill health starts at the fundamental body-mind level, instead of just focusing on the disease area itself. Modern medicine's disease symptomatic treatment usually comes with a hefty price: undesirable and long-lasting side effects. Such treatment is desirable only in emergencies or life-threatening situations. To restore natural health, the preferred treatment is natural healing, with long-term side benefits to rejuvenate both the body and the mind.

Understandably, ill health may make you forget to take care of your body, and thus allowing your body's functions to further deteriorate. Ill health is no more than imbalances accumulated over years of abuse and neglect. Therefore, the first step to restore natural health is to stop health-destructive habits, thereby placing your body in its original natural state of balance. To restore natural health, you need this first step because once you realize how little it takes to feel well again, you will not want to be sick again. According to Lao Tzu, an ancient Chinese philosopher, "a journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step"; so, take your first step, and one step at a time, to restore natural health.

Natural health is more than just an absence of illness: it is how you attune yourself to Nature's natural laws of balance, expressed by your body's inner healing intelligence, which allows your body to repair and heal itself. You may start from any level of imbalance, but as long as you proceed on the road of balance, you will eventually arrive at the level of balance of body, mind, and behavior. Attaining that overall harmony, your body's inner healing intelligence is capable of correcting any physiological imbalance, which is the cause of illness.

Therefore, to restore natural health, stop creating imbalances to your body and mind. For example, do not readily reach out for any over-the-counter drug or even prescription medication to treat your illness. Remember, disease symptomatic treatment does little to eliminate the cause of ill health; at best, it can only delay disease progression. Also, stop ingesting toxins into your body, such as through smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, or eating processed foods.

To restore natural health, focus on your digestive health, which plays a pivotal role in recovery and rejuvenation. Change your eating habits: eating only when you are hungry, and eating the right foods. Good digestive health is natural health.

To sustain repair and recovery, it is important to detoxify your body regularly through fasting, herbs, such as dandelion, licorice, and milk thistle, and vegetables, such as beets and broccoli. Toxins from the environment and the consumption of contemporary foods are a source of imbalance, and they need to be eliminated.

Finally, to restore natural health, you need to consider health in your daily routine to reinforce discipline in your diet and lifestyle, as well as to prevent any relapse. Your daily patterns will contribute to the physiological rhythms that are harmonious with the rhythms of Nature, such as regular exercise, going to bed and getting up early.

Health is the greatest asset of your life. Do not squander it recklessly. Natural health can be restored through natural means of balance and harmony.

Manage Mental Breakdown: Typical Signs And Symptoms

Mental breakdown is a mind illness. This disease is a psychological one, not physical. Many people call it nervous breakdown. It can be both psychological and emotional collapse. This usually happens when the person has reached beyond his mental and emotional limit.

When the person has experienced a physical breakdown in reality, he may suffer from depression and eventually mentally breakdown. An individual may find it hard to deal with and handle situations where so many problems and things need to be solved. And if the person fails to deal with this reality, he will become frustrated and could suffer an emotional or psychological breakdown. Psychotic break is the name given to it by psychologists. When an individual carries his depression and stress for a long time, he will likely suffer from such break.

There is a great chance that the person will be detached from the world if he has mental breakdown. The individual becomes so depressed and then starts to stay away from the real world and from people. This explains why it is so hard to comfort those who have nervous breakdown. The patient will refuse help or comfort because they think you don't care. Paranoia will likely occur to the patient when he comes to the point of having a collapsed mental and emotional state.

Many factors contribute to the development of the breakdown. Death of a family or a loved one, trauma, or a major failure can lead to breakdown. It usually follows an unhandled depression, too much pressure, and stress. The risk of mental collapse can be increased by lack of sleep and poor diet. The risk of mental collapse is also increased when the person has experienced abuse. When a person has a family history of psychotic collapse, schizophrenia, and other mental disorders, he is prone to breakdown.

There are variety of nervous breakdown signs and symptoms. The best way to confirm and diagnose a mental mental breakdown is to see a psychiatrist. Mental, emotional, behavioral, and physical are the types of symptoms. You should ask a psychiatrist for a therapy if you have the following signs and symptoms.

The most common symptoms of nervous breakdown are the following: changes in appetite, visual disturbances, extreme fatigue, disrupted menstrual cycle, weakness, memory loss, low libido, migraine, breathing problems, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, sleep disruption, and diarrhea.

These are the most common emotional symptoms of nervous breakdown: feeling worthless, suicidal thoughts, disinterest in social life, feelings of guilt, inability to stop crying, loss of confidence, indecision, agitation and restlessness, depression, and anxiety. There are also psychological symptoms of mental collapse such as: disorientation, confusion, flashbacks of traumatic event, thoughts of invincibility, panic attacks, paranoid thoughts, increased drug dependence, hearing voices, and hallucinations.

There are behavioral changes associated to mental collapse. Mood swings or mood disorders is the most common behavioral change. The patient may experience undressing in the public and doing strange actions in very severe conditions. The patient may also exhibit extreme violence or strong anger.

Mental breakdown is not easy to deal with. You must help the patient find a psychiatrist who can help him recover with the breakdown. There is no standard cure to breakdown. There are some who don't likely recover from such breakdown, especially if the mental state has been affected too much. But in mild and average cases, breakdown can be dealt with. You just have to understand the patient and do not be too hard on him even though he doesn't want you around.

The patient will likely recover if he undergoes a psychiatric therapy. Morally and emotionally supporting the patient is very important. Being comforting and patient is important. With these, the patient may recover his sound mind.

Saturday, 12 November 2011

School Based Mental Health Services Reduce School Violence

 by Kathryn Seifert, Ph.D.

We live in a complicated world requiring complex skills. We must prepare our children to cope and to compete. They need reading, social studies, science and math more than ever, but they also need social skills, problem solving, superior reasoning and good mental health. There is a societal need to reduce the incidence of violence in our schools, as well.
When children and teens are focused on problems at home or within themselves, they often do not do well in school. School success and good mental health are intrinsically tied together. Additionally, school success and good mental health are linked to life success. Identifying those youth who are in need of help can reduce suffering and improve mental health, school success, and life success. Good mental health aids development, learning, interpersonal relationships, and the ability to cope with stress more effectively.
Approximately 1 in 5 children & adolescents (20%) experience the signs and symptoms of a mental health disorder during the course of a year. These children are estimated to have severe emotional or behavioral problems that significantly interfere with their daily functioning. Yet, less than one-third of the children under the age 18 with a serious disturbance receive any MH Services. Often the services they do receive are inadequate or inappropriate (Children's Defense Fund). Ten percent of children in any given classroom (3/30) are ready to learn at the curriculum level (Dr. Adleman & Dr. Taylor UCLA School Mental Health Project).Only 16% of all children receive any mental health services. Follow through for children receiving mental health services in school is much greater than those referred to community services. Of the 16% that receive MH services, 70-80% receive that care in a school setting (, yet less than 10% of all school districts in the United States currently have an established School Based Mental Health Program (Center for School Mental Health Assistance, Dr. Mark Weist 2001, University of Maryland).
To assess the effectiveness of school based mental health (SBMH) services in reducing emotional, school, home, and behavioral problems of youth, Robert Schmidt, MA and Kathryn Seifert, Ph.D. collaborated on the evaluation of outcomes for a SBMH program for a rural mid-Atlantic School district. Coordination of mental health services with educators, Department of Social Services, the Department of Juvenile Services, and the Development Disabilities program contributed to the program's success.
The project began in 1999 with a Federal grant to the school district and the project is ongoing. Youth were referred to the project from teachers, guidance counselors, parents, student self-referrals and other agencies such as the Departments of Social Services and Juvenile Services and Law Enforcement. The student's scores on the Devereaux, BASC, CARE and several school measures such as absenteeism, disciplinary referrals, violence related suspensions, and other suspensions were measured at the beginning of services and at the beginning and end of each school year.
From 1999 to 2004, 36% youth were referred because of symptoms of depression, 26% because of family problems, and 24% because of behavior problems. Examples of reasons for referral to the program included: crying in class, child can't stay focused, student found out mom is terminally ill, youth's parents going through divorce, and recent sexual abuse. There were 84 referrals to the program in 1999, compared to 437 students in 2002 and 239 students in 2003. Peak referral times were in October and February. Youth in the transition years of sixth and ninth grades were referred to the program most often. In 2000, 2,132 mental health sessions were provided, in contrast to an amazing 15,763 sessions in 2003.
A group of 632 students who participated in the program showed significantly improved attitudes toward teachers and school, mental health symptoms, and self-esteem during and after services. Students participating in SBMH in years one and two had significantly better school attendance (56 and 57% increase) when compared to non-participants (66 and 59% decrease). Additionally for the group of participants, absenteeism increased 44% before participation and decreased 53% during participation.
Students had a significant (40%) decrease in disciplinary referrals when compared to non-participants (20% decrease). Participants in years one and two had a significant decrease in suspensions (32% and 27%) from school when compared to non-participants (33 and 16% increases). Parents reported that their children were having significantly fewer problems after receiving services. Youth self-reported significantly improved commitment to school, interpersonal relationships and self-esteem, as well as fewer stress related problems. Students reported significantly reduced school maladjustment and clinical maladjustment and improved attitude toward parents and emotional well-being.
Evaluation of the success of the program revealed several key components. One important component was having a central school/mental health coordinator to be an organizer, ombudsman, problem solver, program evaluator, and coordinator of the two systems. Additionally, the mental health service must be an integral part of the school system, not just an adjunct or add-on. Mental health staff need to communicate and attend meetings with school personnel. Mental health professionals can provide workshops and consultation to teachers, guidance counselors, and administrative staff.
Funding for the project came from mental health third party billing and grant funding. Supplemental funds allowed mental health professionals to attend meetings, consult with school personnel, and provide services for children and youth who do not meet medical necessity criteria of their insurance companies. It is also important to include families as an essential part of the program.
In a time when all programs are struggling to cope with funding cuts, collaborative programs, such as this one can make services more efficient and cost effective. Many families of troubled youth are involved in more than one service, in addition to the school. Coordination of multiple services is beneficial to the families and helps improve outcomes for youth.
This project demonstrated that school based mental health services improved student well-being, behavior and school success, while showing a significant decrease in violence and other behavior problems at home and at school. The study is ongoing and a second site has been added.

About the Author

Kathryn Seifert received her Ph.D. from the UMBC in 1995. She is a member of the Maryland Psychological Association where she chairs the committee for legislative affairs. She has 30 year experreince in forensic psychology and authored the CARE (Child and Adolescent Risk Evaluation).

The Advantages of Using Mental Health Billing Services

   by Groshan Fabiola

A mental health billing service covers many activities, but there is one main goal that any medical biller has, and that is to process treatment descriptions and file claims. A mental health billing service uses special software to handle all billing problems, generate cash flow reports or see what are the insurance contacts that generate the most money. Mental health billing services also include follow- ups in cases of overdue payments, answering insurance company or patients' concerns or questions or even offer training to their clients.
There are several reasons why a professional should use mental health billing services instead of doing his/ her own mental health billing. First of all, a mental health billing service saves their practice a lot of time and money. A mental health professional' s time is put to better use when he or she is seeing patients, instead of doing mental health billing. There are many time- consuming aspects to doing mental health billing and some of these aspects include looking into insurance benefits or appealing denied claims. This job is better done by a medical biller who has the required experience to easily obtain the necessary information. An experienced medical biller plays an important role in the mental health billing service provided to health professionals. Moreover, by using a mental health billing service, the health professional will spend less money than hiring his/ her own staff or doing the mental health billing by him/ herself. Investing in new employees' training, wages and accommodation requires a substantial amount of money. If he or she decides to do mental health billing on their own, then precious time will be wasted, and time is money. The best solution would be to use a mental health billing service.
Second of all, a mental health billing service means less paperwork. The whole mental health billing process is done by using the computer, the internet and special software, which means that paperwork will be reduced considerably. Of course not all paperwork can be left in the hands of the medical biller, but much of the paperwork related to insurance can be handled by the biller. Moreover, whenever a new client comes, the medical professional has to do little else but send the form to his medical biller. He/ she will enter the information in a computer and the only task left for the medical professional is to send day sheets with the patients who kept their appointments or what services they have received. Moreover, if the mental health professional desires, he/ she can enter all this information in the computer, thus saving more time and paperwork.
Thirdly, by using a mental health billing service, a professional can gain more clients. The time spent on doing administrative work can be put to better use by developing great marketing strategies to attract clients. A medical biller can handle many of the administrative work, so the medical professional can learn how to improve his/ her practice and have more clients.
A mental health billing service gives any mental health professional the opportunity to grow and make a name for himself or herself in that business. Doing mental health billing for them is just one of the many services that a mental health billing service offers.

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A Utah Therapy and Marriage Counseling to Cope up with Mental Disorder

 by Blake Jacobs

The place where we live have a massive impact on the way we talk, think, behave, feel and react to every circumstance that we encounter. An environment full of crimes and abuse is more likely to create an uneasy feeling, tension and stress to a person. However, if an individual resides in a peaceful community in and out of their home, they are more likely to have a healthy well being. Well being and mental health is any given situation wherein a person is totally happy, well secured when it comes to financial matters and social relationship with others.

Also, if they can easily cope up or adapt to drastic changes and problems that may arise, they are said to be in the state of well being. Some people who are having some problems like emotional stress read books and other therapeutic systems that provide different strategies or techniques in order for them to learn how to adapt or cope up with any problem. Some seek professional help to assist them in any situation. Utah mental health and Utah mental wellness cover different fields of study like developmental psychology, sociology, psychology, education, religion and anthropology.

Our society or the community where most people live is plagued with crime, marital problems, financial problems, alcohol and drug addiction and those alone can cause some mental illness. Accidents and loss of loved ones as well as high level of stress are also included. Those people who were surprised to know that they have grave illnesses tend to have vulnerable attitude and severe depression. Poor economic status, work related problems, marital conflicts are also some of the causes of mental disorder.

In addition if a person abuses themselves with too much alcohol and drugs, it does not only end up in addiction but also in some serious mental disorders. A battered wife for so many years also has tendencies of getting mental illness. If we are having hardships in our family, we can consult a Utah family therapist or Utah therapy can help us in getting solutions to our problems. They have plans and strategies that are effective enough to solve any mental issue or concern.

Mental disorders like serious depression, seasonal affective disorder, Bipolar disorder, PSTD (Post-traumatic stress disorder) and Schizophrenia need professional counseling and help from a certified doctor. It is extremely valuable that a certified professional will help them to avoid future damages to the patient�s memory and condition. A person with a mental condition becomes sedentary, less social and do not mingle with other people.

We cannot deny the fact that everyone suffers some form of depression in some stage of our lives. We only vary on how we cope up with them and learn something new from these experiences. Some people do not have the capability to cope up with these problems. Many people seek professional help from a Utah marriage counselor to help with their marital problems. Utah therapists often provide effective and quick solutions to mental problems.

Treatments such as counseling and medical procedures must be performed using plans and strategies that are proven safe and effective at the same time. The best method in dealing with some of these mental illnesses is to have a one-on-one, brief, focused and intensive counseling with the person concerned. Most Utah therapists now offer quality solutions to these problems.

Dealing with Mental Disorders

 by John C Allen

A mental disorder or mental illness is a negative psychological or behavioral pattern of a person in response to normal situations of life prevailing for more than an acceptable period of time. From mild depression to severe mental behavior, a psychological problem can have devastating effects on lives of individuals suffering from it, their family and society. There are various kinds of psychological problems defined on the basis of standard guideline criteria. Few of them are discussed below:

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: Post traumatic stress disorder is a kind of stress disorderthat's triggered by witnessing a life threatening event and inability to behave normally after witnessing such event or situation. Symptoms of PTSD include flash back episodes of events, severe anxiety, severe depression and uncontrollable thoughts about events.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Treatment:

There are no specific tests for recognizing PTSD in a person. However, doctors or psychiatrists recognize it on the basis of symptoms. Post traumatic stress disorder treatment includes a combination of psychotherapy and medication. Several types of therapies may be used to treat PTSD such as group therapy, cognitivebehaviouraltherapy and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR).

Depression: Depression is a disturbed state of mind prevailing for longer than normal or acceptable period of time. It is a severe psychological condition in which person cannot stop feeling sad or hopeless. Such a person often expresses hopelessness, anxiety, negative thoughts, irritability and loss of pleasure and excitement in life. In severe conditions, such people also express suicidal tendencies and take their own lives to get rid of problems.

Depression Treatment

Depression treatment depends upon its severity and kind. There are various kinds of depression such as depresion, dysthymic disorder, non-specific depression, adjustment disorder with depression and bi-polar depression. It is essential to take help of professional psychiatrist to help people suffering from depression. Psychiatrists help people to come out of their state of depression through treatment combined of regular counselling, psychotherapies and antidepressants. The major focus of doctors is towards building self esteem in patients. Apart from doctor's treatment, love and support of friends and family is essential to help people suffering from depression.

Bipolar Disorder is a mental disorder in which person shows extreme mood swings in his or her behavior. Such condition is also known as manic depression. Person suffering from bipolar disorder shows serious shifts in moods, thinking, and behavior. Such extraordinary mood changes of bipolar disorder are so intense that they interfere with person's ability to carry out day-to-day tasks.

Bipolar Disorder Treatment

A patient suffering from bipolar disorder expresses mood swings in extraordinary ways. For instance, sometimes they feel so much depressed, that it becomes difficult for them to do anything at all while on other phases they may express hyper activeness. Diagnosing bipolar disorder is tricky even for trained professionals, thus it is advisable to treat it under guidance of trained psychiatrist instead of your family physicians. Bipolar disorder treatment involves complete treatment plan comprised of medicines, psychotherapy, counseling, education, lifestyle management and support.

Doctors provide effective treatment and psychotherapies for treating various psychological problems. However, expressing loving, caring and supportive attitude towards patients is of vital importance for quick recovery from mental or psychological illness.

Do Not Ignore Symptoms of Mental Disorders as Depression and Anxiety

by Chani Prem T

Do Not Ignore Symptoms of Mental Disorders as Depression and Anxiety
Mental disorders such as depression and anxiety incidents are becoming widespread, with hectic and stressful life styles as well as the competitive, individualistic social trends. Many mental disorders such as depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and obsessive compulsive disorder etc. are seen more often in developed countries such as the United States. An estimated 18.8 million adults and 9% of the population aged 18 and over suffer from depression and anxiety. The majority of these are women. It is common to diagnose an individual being depressed as well as to suffer from anxiety as these two conditions have an interactive relationship. Depression and anxiety disorders can affect all people regardless of race, ethnic background, age and geographic location. However, old age and adolescence can be critical age groups that are susceptible to social anxiety. Majority tend to ignore mental disorders and also tend to discontinue their medications half way, mainly due to high costs involved. Purchaseing via online Canada pharmacies can save up to 80% of conventional pharmacy retail rates.
Depression Overview
Depression is a mental illness which causes the individual suffering from it to feel sad, discouraged, unloved and disinterested in life. A depressed person should never be ignored as lack of psychological support and medical intervention can push them further in to the depths of depression which can induce them to commit suicide. Depression falls in to major depression, dysthymia and bipolar disorder. Major depression could be the result of an end of a relationship, a death of a loved one or any other life altering event. Dysthymia is not as severe as major depression although the same symptoms may be apparent. People with Dysthymia could be considered as pessimists who never see the positive side of life. Bipolar disorder or manic depression causes severe mood swings. A person with bipolar disorder can go from being totally depressed one day to totally manic the next, hence the name. During a particular spell a person would do impulsive things from quitting his job to spending vast amounts of money. Similarly, when depression hits the same person could be full of self loathing and might even try to end his life.
Anxiety Overview
Anxiety is a feeling of fear and worry about everyday things which are no cause for worry. People who suffer from this disorder are most likely to worry about every minute detail which can hamper their day to day existence. A person with anxiety will worry excessively. He or she will suffer from headaches, will find it difficult to breathe during certain bouts of worry, will suffer from insomnia etc. There is no exact cause of anxiety. However, some researchers believe that genetics plays an important role in it. It is also very strongly believed that environmental factors as well as brain chemistry contribute to the onset of anxiety as well.
Treating Depression and Anxiety
People who suffer from a mental disorder should be treated immediately and medical treatment should be combined with counselling to ensure better recovery. Depression is treated through proper dosage of antidepressant drugs. Drugs such as Lithium, Epitol and Lamictal are prescribed for depression. Drugs such as Ativan, Valium, Prozac and Wellbutrin are prescribed for anxiety. Most anxiety medications are able to calm an individual down in order for him or her to function normally. However, they do take up to two weeks to take effect. Sudden discontinuation of drugs can lead to critical conditions and is thoroughly discouraged. Millions of people worldwide are now able to purchase prescription drugs geared to treat mental disorders, at affordable prices from Big Mountain which are delivered to their door , step.

About the Author

Author Chani Muditha Thbuwana contributes articles related to drugs and illnesses courtesy of BigMountainDrugs.Com. You can buy various drugs such as Fluoxetine 10 mg from our online pharmacy, saving money and travel time to pharmacies. You can buy medications for treatment of any type of mental disorders from Canadian pharmacy with total quality assurance and privacy. For information on health related issues, visit out Big Mountain Drugs blog pages

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